Memorial and tribute gifts are a caring, thoughtful way to remember a loved one or celebrate a special occasion. Upon receiving your gift, we will send you a gift acknowledgement letter. The person of your choosing will also receive a letter notifying them that you have made a gift in the honoree's name. The amount of your gift is not disclosed.
Mail your gift
Blood Center Foundation of the Inland Northwest
210 W. Cataldo Avenue
Spokane, WA 99201
Located at Vitalant's Spokane Regional Headquarters (formerly Inland Northwest Blood Center) outdoor plaza are personalized paver bricks, engraved
with names and loving tributes. Those who give $100 or more may personally engrave a 4" x 8" paver brick with a loving memorial, honorarium, significant milestone or a special tribute. Bricks for Life proceeds support the Jean Merrill Education Fund, established to enhance employee training and educational opportunities.
How to purchase your Brick for Life:
1. Click here to download the Bricks for Life order form.
2. Print, complete and mail the completed order form, with your donation to:
Blood Center Foundation of the Inland Northwest
210 W. Cataldo Avenue
Spokane, WA 99201